These days WhatsApp is becoming common chat platform among all, You should know what you are sharing in WhatsApp among all people.
Everybody can watch you on whatsapp, who have saved your number in their devices.
But in WhatsApp privacy option you can set what to display to whom.
Let's talk in deep with screenshots,
First of all go to settings, then switch to account.
after you switch to account it will look like provided screenshot below,
Here we go, go to privacy, there you can find three options Last Seen, Profile Picture (better known as DP) and Status, from those options you can control visibility for each option. Like below we have shared both screen shot for options and how to control it,
Read that highlighted text, if you share your Last Seen with nobody, You won't be able to see others Last Seen.
If you set your visibility to my contacts it will be only visible to your saved contacts, it will not shown for those who have saved your number but you don't save their number.
So, This is how you can control privacy of your WhatsApp account,
Any suggestions or confusion write us in comment below...