Download Portable Office 2007 SP3 Rev 1
Manage your entire bussiness without installation.
Download Portable Office 2007 SP3 Rev 1 (140 MB)
(md5: ae5191fae9851e176a0b22bedd30fba9)
(Multilingual: Arabic, Bulgarian, SimpChinese, ChineseHK, TradChinese, Croatian, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Estonian, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hindi, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Kazakh, Korean, Latvian, Lithuanian, NorwegianNB, Polish, Portuguese, PortugueseBR, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Slovenian, Spanish, Swedish, Thai, Turkish, Ukrainian)
Can use Office Tab and Classic Menu
Download Portable Office 2003 SP3 (27.5 MB)
(md5: d8d26d148ae138354cdd959c733309e9)
Not Thinstalled.
Extract and run Excel*Portable or PowerPoint*Portable or Word*Portable.
Target (EXCEL.EXE, POWERPNT.EXE, WINWORD.EXE) executed by launcher as user privileges, write ExecAsAdmin=true in Office*Portable.ini to execute target (by launcher) as administrator privileges.
Language set by launcher according Windows localization, if you don't want: edit Office2007Portable.ini with UserDefaultLang=false.
To change language: edit Office2007Portable.ini with Language=one of the name of subfolders in App\Common\Language, example: fr-FR for French.
You can add addins in App\AddIns, to enable: edit Office*Portable.ini with AddIns=true.
You can add templates in App\Templates, to enable: edit Office*Portable.ini with Templates=true.
Settings of installed Office should be preserved.
When leaving: make sure Office*PortableRuntimeData.ini (in \Data) has been removed by launcher.
Source code in Other\Source.
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